In the history of the travel industry, this is one of the worst pandemics ever known. The travel and hospitality industry has been brought to its knees. Planes have parked, so much so that some have occupied car parks. Hotels have closed and everyone in the industry is confused. Savings are now the new source of income for many. Millions have no source of livelihood and hundreds others have no idea when they will ever go back to work. African Safaris have lost its touch as movement has been restrained. However though, everyone in the industry has been taught to be warm and smile at every situation. Most are doing just that and taking a day at a time. The vegetation in the parks has gained an overgrowth and a new generation of wildlife has been born. One which has not seen or got bothered by movement of roaring machines on four wheels with funny beings making all kinds of noises. Hoping against all odds that the wildlife will not run away when they see the vehicles in the parks once again, we are optimistic that we shall travel again. Covid -19 is here with us now, we have to live with it. It will change our ways of life and the effects of it will be with us for some time. Travel will not be the same. The social distancing practices will apply. The fact that travel is supposed to bring out the social personalities in humans, we have to make do with what we have from now henceforth. Governments and institutions are now looking in to the changes and ways to make travel as comfortable as possible for everyone. Life has to resume; we just have to adopt with the changes.

Digital travel
On arrival at any airport, you would have your ticket, passport and even boarding passes at hand. Physical contact so far the fastest way of spreading the pandemic. The new form of travel will now be touchless. Many governments have implemented the biometrics and digital passports which will make everything easy across borders. With the touch of a button, this information will be shared and they will be no need of over the counter exchanges for documents and scanning.
Disruptions and inconveniences.
Times have changed. We now have to wash hands, disinfect, and sanitize all through. Hotels will now have to put up sanitizing stations in all common areas within their premises, at the entrances and on check in. disinfecting and cleaning will also have to take place several times in a day at the premises. This are disruptions that we are not used to but have to persevere for our own good. Every travel needs to feel comfortable and not worry about infections during their Safari. This will not be easy but with proper implementation, it is the new norm which we must appreciate and practice.

Implementation of Safety Measures.
This will be the overall key to client protection and assurance of an infection free world. From Disinfecting key cards to personal protective equipment for employees this is just but some of the examples of measures that we shall see. Social distancing will also be practiced in the sitting areas, restaurants, events and conference areas and in the modes of transport.
Rest assured, you will still be received with the warm Kenyan smile amidst all this.
Concierge services Implementation.
This services at any safari has been viewed as luxurious and for those who have an extra coin to spoil themselves. This will be the new practice. It is high time that hotels avoid direct contacts with guests. Implementation of express check in and check our services with the help of the concierge desks will minimize the rates of infections if any. The hotel reception and lobby is touched by hundreds of clients at any given day. If few people are involved, then contact tracing is easier if unfortunately, there are cases.

Cashless payments Methods.
Money is one form of contact that is of a very high risk. Money exchanges so many hand at any particular time. In this uncertain times, it is advisable to avoid cash payments. Kenya is privileged to have a mobile money transfer which has been effective for years and now being adapted by other countries. Clients who have been on a Kenya safari know this to well as they have seen their driver guides transact without seeing a single shilling exchange hands. This is one way that if adopted, we shall rest assured that we have minimized the possibility of infections.
Health certificate credentials.
In a long time, the most important document that one has needed for travel is the passport and a visa to the particular country which you can get on arrival. Vaccines certificates have been required by several countries but not a health certificate. This may be the new document to be liable for tour. No countries want a to admit a traveler who will put it’s citizens at the risk of infection for the dreaded pandemic. The effects have been felt far and wide. Every nation is fighting tooth and nail to be free of this pandemic. Every effort is required. People have been indoors for long periods of time. It is restraining and sometimes depressing. We have adopted and found new ways of relieving stress. We are doing our safaris online and live video cams have become our new tour guides. Now more than ever, people are wishing for things that they have forever taken for granted. We have learnt our lessons and we appreciate life, freedom, nature, the world and others. We are all wishing that we soon beat this pandemic so that our life goes back to normal. That the lock downs will soon be lifted. Our normal of flying over destinations to go on safari, watching wildlife, enjoying new cultures and food, meeting new friends and visiting family.
In the meantime, let us enjoy our new normal. Kenya awaits, do not cancel your safari, just postpone.
We are waiting to take you on an African Safari, welcome with the biggest smile.
1 Comment. Leave new
Yes Niko we will have to find new ways to do things. We hope to get back there sooner than later
Be safe say hi to the family